Nobody talks about the reality of life after university

Hi guys,

I’ve now been in my full-time job for over 2 months and graduated almost 4 months ago. So, I thought that this was a good time to come on here and talk about life after university.

If I’m being brutally honest, your time at university does not prepare you for life afterward. Now, I don’t mean that you won’t have the skills and knowledge for a job in the field you want. What I mean is that you’re not mentally prepared for the huge culture shift, the changes that will happen in your life and reality hitting you hard in the face.

The post-uni blues are real and horrible. I was hit really hard with this during my university’s freshers week. I saw lots of my friends going back to university and doing all of the things that I couldn’t do anymore.

Whilst you’re at university you’re surrounded by loads of friends, you live alone or with friends, and you can do whatever you want whenever you want. For me, graduating meant moving back in with my parents, having a few friends at home, who obviously are busy with their own lives, going from seeing my boyfriend daily to a few times a month and not having the freedom to do what I want, when I want.

The months during summer, before and after graduation were fine. I was traveling with friends and family, enjoying the sunshine, seeing my boyfriend regularly and most of my home friends were about and free. Then, everyone started to go back to uni and get full-time jobs, as did I. That’s when the reality of life hit me.

To make matters worse for me, whilst I was struggling with post-uni blues and had only been in my new job for a few weeks, I had a car accident, and my car was written off. This sent me spiraling and I felt like I was drowning. I was pining for the life that I had for the past 3 years at university.

But, I am lucky that I found a job quickly after graduation, it means that I can keep busy, doing an interesting job, in the industry I studied for, and I am earning money and gaining experience. If I was stuck at home, I would be feeling very sorry for myself, and the post-uni blues would be even worse.

Finding a job quickly, isn’t easy. Universities give the impression that you’ll have a job lined up for you after graduation, or that you’ll find something really easily and quickly. This isn’t the case at all. It’s hard to get a job and getting constant rejections is painful, depressing and de-motivating. It adds a whole new layer to the post-uni blues.

I really feel for those people who are struggling with this at the minute. Don’t let it knock you down, keep working hard and powering through, and you’ll get there. I promise that things will get better and easier for you. There’s no timeline, everything happens differently for everyone. Don’t let societal pressure make things harder for you.

I really wish I’d been more prepared for life after university, and I’m sure many of you do as well. More people need to be talking about it and supporting each other, and I’m sure as conversations about mental health increase, these topics will start to make more appearances.

If you are struggling with post-uni blues or adjusting to life after university, don’t be afraid to talk to someone, or to seek help. There is no shame in it. If you’d broken your leg you’d get help to fix it, and it should be the same case for your mental health.

Keep strong and keep battling through, and I’ll be back to chat with you again soon.

Charlotte xx